
Query listeners are attached by using the firebaseConnect higher order component. firebaseConnect accepts an array of paths for which to create queries. When listening to paths, it is possible to modify the query with any of Firebase's included query methods.

NOTE: By default the results of queries are stored in redux under the path of the query. If you would like to change where the query results are stored in redux, use storeAs (more below).

Below are examples using Firebase query methods as well as other methods that are included (such as 'populate').

firebaseConnect is a Higher Order Component (wraps a provided component) that attaches listeners to relevant paths on Firebase when mounting, and removes them when unmounting.


Data is stored in redux under the path of the query for convince. This means that two different queries to the same path (i.e. todos) will both place data into state.data.todos even if their query parameters are different. If you would like to store your query somewhere else in redux, use storeAs:

    path: 'todos',
    storeAs: 'myTodos', // place in redux under "myTodos"
    queryParams: ['orderByChild=createdBy', 'equalTo=123someuid'],
    path: 'todos',
    queryParams: ['limitToFirst=20'],
@connect(({ firebase }) => ({
  myTodos: dataToJS(firebase, 'myTodos'), // state.firebase.data.myTodos due to storeAs
  allTodos: dataToJS(firebase, 'todos') // state.firebase.data.todos since no storeAs


To load a firebase location once instead of binding, the once option can be used:

Internally Uses Firebase Method: orderByPriority

  { type: 'once', path: '/todos' }


To order the query by a child within each object, use orderByChild.

Internally Uses Firebase Method: orderByChild


Ordering a list of todos by the text parameter of the todo item (placing them in alphabetical order).

  // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'orderByChild=text' ]} // object notation


Order a list by the key of each item. Since push keys contain time, this is also a way of ordering by when items were created.

Internally Uses Firebase Method: orderByKey


Ordering a list of todos based on their key (puts them in order of when they were created)

  // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'orderByKey' ]} // object notation


Order a list by the value of each object. Internally runs

Internally Uses Firebase Method: orderByValue


Ordering a list of score's based on score's value

  // { path: '/scores', queryParams: [ 'orderByValue' ] } // object notation


Order a list by the priority of each item.

Internally Uses Firebase Method: orderByPriority


Ordering a list based on priorities

  // { path: '/scores', queryParams: [ 'orderByPriority' ] } // object notation


Limit query results to the first n number of results.

Internally Uses Firebase Method: limitToFirst


  1. Displaying only the first todo item

     // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'limitToFirst=1' ] } // object notation
  2. Displaying only the first 10 todo items

     // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'orderByChild=createdBy', 'equalTo=123' ] } // object notation


Limit query results to the last n number of results

Internally Uses Firebase Method: limitToLast


  1. Only the last todo item

     // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'limitToLast' ] } // object notation
  2. Only the last 10 todo items

     // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'limitToLast=10' ] } // object notation


Start query at a specific location by providing the specific number or value

Internally Uses Firebase Method: startAt


  1. Starting at the fifth item
     // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'startAt=5', 'limitToFirst=2' ] } // object notation
  2. Paginate results
     // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'startAt=5', 'limitToFirst=10' ] } // object notation
  3. Non-number values
    // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'startAt=5', 'limitToFirst=10' ] } // object notation


End query at a specific location by providing the specific number or value

Internally Uses Firebase Method: endAt


  1. Usage with startAt
    // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'orderByChild=added', 'startAt=1', 'endAt=5' ] } // object notation


Limit query results with parameter equal to previous query method (i.e when used with orderByChild, it limits results with child equal to provided value).

Internally Uses Firebase Method: equalTo


The following are internally parsed:

  • null
  • boolean
  • number

This means the actual value will be parsed instead of the string containing the value. If you do not want this to happen, look at the notParsed query parameter below.


  1. Order by child parameter
    // { path: '/todos', queryParams: [ 'orderByChild=createdBy', 'equalTo=ASD123' ] } // object notation


Can be used to keep internal parsing from happening. Useful when attempting to search a number string using equalTo


  1. Order by child parameter equal to a number string. Equivalent of searching for '123' (where as not using notParsed would search for children equal to 123)
     path: '/todos',
     queryParams: [
       'notParsed', // keeps equalTo from automatically parsing


By default the results of queries are stored in redux under the path of the query. If you would like to change where the query results are stored in redux, use storeAs:


  1. Querying the same path with different query parameters
@firebaseConnect(props => [
  { path: 'projects' }
  { path: 'projects', storeAs: 'myProjects', queryParams: ['orderByChild=uid', '123'] }
@connect(({ firebase }, props) => ({
  projects: populatedDataToJS(firebase, 'projects'),
  myProjects: populatedDataToJS(firebase, 'myProjects'), // use storeAs path to gather from redux


In order to get ordered data, use orderedToJS


  1. Get list of projects ordered by key
@firebaseConnect(props => [
  { path: 'projects', queryParams: ['orderByKey'] }
@connect(({ firebase }, props) => ({
  projects: orderedToJS(firebase, 'projects'),


Populate allows you to replace IDs within your data with other data from Firebase. This is very useful when trying to keep your data flat. Some would call it a join, but it was modeled after the mongo populate method.

Visit Populate Section for full documentation.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""