
If you are using redux-observable, make sure to set up your redux-observable middleware so that firebase is available within your epics. Here is an example combineEpics function that adds getFirebase as third argument along with an epic that uses it:


Examples below assume that you have setup redux-observable middleware so that firebase is available within your epics. Here is an example combineEpics function that adds getFirebase as the third argument along with an epic that uses it:

import { getFirebase } from 'react-redux-firebase'
import { combineEpics } from 'redux-observable'

const rootEpic = (...args) =>
  combineEpics(somethingEpic, epic2)(..args, getFirebase)

// then later in your epics
const somethingEpic = (action$, store, getFirebase) =>
    .map(() =>
      getFirebase().push('somePath/onFirebase', { some: 'data' })

Write User Input To Firebase

redux-observable can easily be used with redux-form to write changes to Firebase as a user types into an input, see the redux-form recipes section for more details/

In the Angular world this has been called "3-Way Data Binding".

Debounced Notifications

Debounce is writing to a ref on Firebase such as /notifications (useful so that tons of similar notifications aren't created).


export const notificationEpic = (action$, { getState, dispatch }, { getFirebase }) =>
  action$.ofType(SEND_NOTIFICATION) // stream of notification actions
    .debounceTime(2000) // debounce SEND_NOTIFICATION actions by 2 seconds
    .do((action) => {
      // push the notification object to the notifications ref
      return getFirebase().push('/notifications', action.payload)
    .mapTo({ type: 'EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CREATED' });

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