Auth Recipes

Auth recipes assume that you have passed the following config when creating your store:

const rrfConfig = {
  userProfile: 'users', // can be any string path

Google Login

Here is an example of a component that shows a Google login button if the user is not logged in, and a welcome message if they are. The initial loading state is handled with a simple "Loading..." message:

import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { compose } from 'redux'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { firebaseConnect, isLoaded, isEmpty } from 'react-redux-firebase'
// import GoogleButton from 'react-google-button' // optional

export const LoginPage = ({ firebase, auth }) => (
  <div className={classes.container}>
    <button // <GoogleButton/> button can be used instead
      onClick={() => firebase.login({ provider: 'google', type: 'popup' })}
    >Login With Google</button>
        ? <span>Loading...</span>
        : isEmpty(auth)
          ? <span>Not Authed</span>
          : <pre>{JSON.stringify(auth, null, 2)}</pre>

LoginPage.propTypes = {
  firebase: PropTypes.shape({
    login: PropTypes.func.isRequired
  auth: PropTypes.object

export default compose(
  firebaseConnect(), // withFirebase can also be used
  connect(({ firebase: { auth } }) => ({ auth }))

Wait For Auth To Be Ready

import firebase from 'firebase'
import { compose, createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { reactReduxFirebase } from 'react-redux-firebase'

// Firebase config
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
  authDomain: '<your-auth-domain>',
  databaseURL: '<your-database-url>',
  storageBucket: '<your-storage-bucket>'
// react-redux-firebase options
const config = {
  userProfile: 'users', // firebase root where user profiles are stored
  attachAuthIsReady: true, // attaches auth is ready promise to store
  firebaseStateName: 'firebase' // should match the reducer name ('firebase' is default)

const createStore = (initialState = {}) => {
  // Initialize Firebase instance

  // Add redux Firebase to compose
  const createStoreWithFirebase = createStore(
      reactReduxFirebase(firebase, config),

  // Create store with reducers and initial state
  const store = createStoreWithFirebase(rootReducer, initialState)

  // Listen for auth ready (promise available on store thanks to attachAuthIsReady: true config option)
  store.firebaseAuthIsReady.then(() => {
    console.log('Auth has loaded') // eslint-disable-line no-console
  return store;

In order for this to work, the promise must know the name of the location within redux that the state is being stored, which is the function of the firebaseStateName config option. By default the firebaseStateName parameter is 'firebase' to match the getting started guide. If you are storing your firebase state under a different place within redux (i.e. the name given to the firebaseStateReducer) such as 'firebaseState' you must pass that name as firebaseStateName in your config.

Custom Auth Ready Logic

If you want to write your own custom logic for the promise that actually confirms that auth is ready, you can pass a promise as the authIsReady config option.

Here is an example showing the default logic:

import { get } from 'lodash'

const config = {
  authIsReady: (store, firebaseStateName) => new Promise((resolve) => {
    const firebaseAuthState =  && state[firebaseStateName].auth
    if (get(store.getState(), `${firebaseStateName}.auth.isLoaded`)) {
    } else {
      const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {
        if (get(store.getState(), `${firebaseStateName}.auth.isLoaded`)) {

List of Online Users (Presence)

Presence keeps a list of which users are currently online as well as a history of all user sessions.

The logic that runs this is partially based on:


Include the userProfile parameter in config when setting up store middleware:

const config = {
  userProfile: 'users', // where profiles are stored in database
  presence: 'presence', // where list of online users is stored in database
  sessions: 'sessions' // where list of user sessions is stored in database (presence must be enabled)
reactReduxFirebase(fbConfig, config)

Now when logging in through login method, user will be listed as online until they logout or end the session (close the tab or window).

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